Fiscal Deficit Versus Public Debt

For the better understanding of the concept of fiscal deficit and public debt and the diversity in the midst of both of them, there are certain things we need to know initially before proceeding with the actual concept of credit debt relief program, further. For getting this thing of credit card debt relief into notice, whatever is going around in our economy or even in your own business is classified under two heads i.e. Stock Variable and Flow Variable. The short briefing about this is mentioned below: Stock Variable : This credit card debt service is a quantity measured at a specified time. This has the implication that a specific date, day or time is being mentioned for the examination of the existing stock of a firm. For better understanding of this, let us consider a time period as a defined financial year, i.e. from 1st January to 31st December. A firm ‘A’ will examine the quantity of the stock existing with them at that point of time say, 31st December, which ...